PBS Christmas Holidays 2024/2025
Our final day in the office this year is Friday 20th December.
We reopen in the New Year on Monday 13th January.
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
The team at PBS
How To Make A Donation
Papakura Budgeting Service is a not-for-profit, charitable organisation.
We provide one on one budgeting advice and ongoing support for our clients at absolutely no cost.
We greatly appreciate any donations we receive - they allow us to continue to help families and individuals who are often considered vulnerable.
All donations to us are tax deductable.
Our Charities Commission Registration Number is CC36194.
If you wish to make a donation to PBS, please send it to:
Papakura Budgeting Service Inc.
PO Box 72 131
Papakura 2244
If you are interested in joining the team as a volunteer at PBS, you can either phone us on (09) 299 6881 or drop in to see us in our office between 10am to 5pm Monday to Friday where we'll have a chat to you about what the job entails.
To become a Financial Mentor with PBS, a high level of literacy and numeracy skills are required.
Once you have passed your interview and pre-test, we will get you registered on the next available Financial Mentor Introductory Course.
This is a free 6 week course, presented by a FinCap Registered Educator.
You will learn the basics about what being a Financial Mentor involves, and will then join our service as a trainee Mentor under supervision.