PBS Christmas Holidays 2024/2025
Our final day in the office this year is Friday 20th December.
We reopen in the New Year on Monday 13th January.
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
The team at PBS
Where to find PBS
Our offices are located inside the Old Courthouse building at 59R Wood Street Papakura.
Please see the map below
Our Client's Stories
Tara, 26
"I have found budgeting at Papakura Budgeting Service has lifted a whole weight off my shoulders. I have had such good help and advice. I will recomend this service to all my friends and family who have financial problems.."
Sue, 40
Conifer Grove
"I am very happy with the way I was treated at PBS. The first week, I was so unsure when I first arrived. But by the time I left, I knew I had made a good choice to come here. Thank you very much to the team - they have done a truly outstanding job for me and my family.."
Donna, 44
Wattle Downs
"Before I came in today, I felt like I was awaiting a death sentence. How wrong I was. Staff were kind and friendly and made me feel comfortable. You have cleared a path for me to walk on again.."
Greg + Pauline,
"It takes a lot to change one's mind-set and finally get it right. We were the type of family that had no budget in place - money went out as fast as it came in. It has been a struggle to break a habit that has been formed over many years. We are finally working within a budget that the team at PBS has put into place, and it feels great. This has been an educational journey and I would like to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We now have our lives back. We could not have done this without the help of the team at Papakura Budgeting Service.."
William, 36
"Today I felt really worried coming into see a budgeter - as it was my first time asking for help. However my adviser was so honest, and helpful, and made me feel very comfortable. I now feel like my issues are going to be resolved in the near future with this service's help.."
Nancy, 35
"My first appointment today went really well. For the first time I now know what financial position I am in. I am happy that my budgeting adviser can see that it is possible for me to get back on track and I am willing to do my best to achieve this.."
"Dedicated to helping whanau, families and individuals find satisfaction and security in handling their financial affairs through the development of good money managing skills"
Papakura Budgeting Service was formed in 1974.
Our founding member is Arthur Clark.
In 1974 budgeting, in conjunction with the Citizens Advice Bureau,
commenced informally in a small cottage located on the now New World Supermarket car park on Wood Street, Papakura.
Overcrowded conditions meant budgeting interviews were held in the small kitchenette and porch of the cottage.
The department of Social Welfare was increasingly supportive and a close working relationship evolved.
In 1978 a $50,000 grant was made by the Department of Social Welfare to extend and support existing budgeting services.
The next move for the Papakura Home Budgetary Advice Service, along with The Citizens Advice Bureau, was to the Old Central School on Wood Street, Papakura.
And, once again, because of over-crowding, PBS was allocated two small internal rooms, this time with no windows!
In 1982 the Budgeting Service was on the move again this time to 4A Opaheke Road.
Again, sharing the use of the building with the Citizens Advice Bureau.
In 1996, with an increase in demand for budgeting advice,
larger premises were needed yet again.
A new police station was being built in Papakura and the old Police Watch-house building was restored and made available for community use.
Papakura Budgeting Service moved into the historic building in the same year, situated on Central Park's Community Corner at 1-2 Opaheke Road.
In November of 2008 the Budgeting Service was, yet again, relocated back to The Old Central School building on Wood Street.
However, this time is housed in much bigger, restored and renovated offices.
A recruitment drive and, the use of extra interview rooms, has enabled the Budgeting Service to thrive and meet the ever expanding demand for free budgeting advice in the community.
Denise Smith
Jackie Smith
Trevor Harrison: Chairperson
Louise Tulp : Treasurer
Jackie Smith : Secretary
Robyn Keall: Committee Member
Trevor Harrison
Louise Tulp
Carla McMaster
Rupesh Parikh
Jaya Vignesh